Agnathavasi Telgu Drama movie directed by Trivikram Srinivas released this Wednesday. The Movie is Produced by S. Radha Krishna. Pawan Kalyan, Keerthy Suresh, Anu Emmanuel will be seen in the Lead Role in Agnathavasi movie .The Music of the film Agnathavasi movie music is given by Anirudh.
Agnathavasi is the First Major release of in 2018. Agnathavasi movie release across the country with 1600 screens. Agnathavasi Movie opens on itβs first day at very good note from all over the world.
Agnathavasi 1st day Box office collections 54 crores.
Agnathavasi 2nd day Box Office collections 13 crores (Still Counting). Worldwide Areawise List will be updated soon……………..