Recently, the young and handsome actor Arjun Kapoor was invited to the Neha Dupai’s audio chat show “#nofiltersNeha” on music app Saavn where Arjun Kapoor opened up talking about various things and makes some strong confessions. He was seen talking about his friendship with the co-actor Ranveer Singh, both seen together acting in the film “Gunday”. He was further talking about his uncle, finest actor of Bollywood, Anil Kapoor. Giving back with the answers to the questions asked, Arjun was put forward with a question where he had to answer, who is the best kisser on screen between actress Parineethi Chopra, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Deepika Padukone and Alia Bhatt, to which he instantly replied saying “Alia Bhatt”.
A slight pre-conceived notion that Alia might be awkward-says Arjun Kapoor:
Before the entire matters drive in under any other notion, let me clearly describe the saying. Arjun Kapoor was probed further by Neha Dupia on asking the same question where the actor says,” let me put in this way, I was pleasantly surprised. You know sometimes I feel it could be awkward with a person”. Arjun had a notion that things would get awkward between him and Alia while doing the scenes probably because both of them never met before and in just a span of 10 days they had to do the scene in the dorm making out with each other under the shower and this might get little awkward says the actor. Well, the film turned out to be brilliant and the chemistry shared between the two leads was superb. The 31 years old Arjun Kapoor is currently dogged with projects and is gearing up for his much awaited upcoming flick “ half Girlfriend: starring Shraddha Kapoor as the female lead.