26 February, 2025 Wednesday
HomeNewsIllusion picture of 6 women is Viral!!

Illusion picture of 6 women is Viral!!

If you observe the picture you can find the six beautiful women, it seems that they are partying. You can see five girls sitting on the couch and one girl on the handle of the couch, we can observe that they hold some beers and hanging out. This picture was out on the Internet and went viral and making waves in the social media. So, you are thinking that what is so interesting in there to gain the attraction and doing viral!! It was a casual picture of some girls sitting and having booze, nothing is so special in that??

Illusion picture of 6 women is Viral!!

Now, take a look at that image and keenly observe the five girls sitting on the couch and neglect the sixth girl sitting on the handle of a couch. Then you can observe that the five girls sitting on the couch have only four pairs of legs. Now, you are in shock about the fifth pair of legs right? This is why this picture of six girls is viral on the Internet and making waves in the social media. To know the logic about the missing of the legs pair you have to read the below explanation and the fact about that puzzle picture.

                Here is the answer, look at the women at the left with bare kneecap sitting. Actually the knee of the “legless” woman blending in perfectly with the all-black legs of the woman on her right. Now if you again observe carefully you can see the legs fewer women sitting in the five girls group. This illusion picture of six girls with only five pairs of legs went viral on the internet from the day it’s posted on a popular website. Since then, the photo attracted a lot of comments and only very few people solved this so-called ‘puzzle’.


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