1 March, 2025 Saturday
HomeActorJr NTRNTR taking it serious?

NTR taking it serious?

NTR taking it serious?


Young Tiger NTR is not having a very satisfying run at the Box Office these days. For a hero who shook the Box Office with industry hits during his late teens, the commercial performance of his recent films are disappointing.
NTR seems to have realised this. He is showing extreme caution in story selection for his upcoming movies. Apart from that,sources say that he has also stopped trusting directors blindly.
Once a script has been okayed, NTR is not known to meddle with it during a film shoot. However, recent filmnagar reports say that the young hero is questioning directors if he is not happy with things.
All these things point to one thing. NTR is going all out for that one hit that can bring him back to the top. Let us see if his efforts pay off.


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