The movie Rudhramadevi was released in the year 2015 and the film stars Anushka Shetty. The movie though failed to do great at the box office, but bagged some good news and this will level up the filmmakers and the actress level as the film has been shortlisted out of various Telugu films list for the Oscar Award as the Best Foreign Language Film Award Category. This is marvelous news and the Film Federation of India recommended Rudhramadevi to enter the list and it’s time for the film unit to celebrate the news.
The list is made ready and out of various other languages list, the committee will choose one to which will later represent India. It’s a further tough competition as the Oscar nomination committee will select from different countries and out of which will select five best ones. The movie Rudhramadevi is been directed by Gunasekhar and he said on the entire matter,” It’s good that our film has been selected. The content of the film is what took it to that stage and he says he does not know about the other films in the competition.”
It’s a great privilege to get in the Oscar world nomination list and whether winning or no doesn’t matters as being shortlisted means like winning an award. Let’s see what next level the movie gears up to. It’s indeed calls for a huge celebration and the filmmakers along with Anushka Shetty are happy with the news. It’s time for the Telugu films to find place in the recommendations for Best Foreign Language Film category. However, the other movie’s list in competition with Rudhramadevi is not disclosed and many details are also not revealed. But this news drives the waves and opens the celebrations. Stay tuned for more.