Of late, the Telugu film world is seeing an ever increasing number of remakes. The latest to join the trend is he actor cum director Srinivas Avasarala who is busy working on the film Jyo Achyuthananda. While it is surprising to see a soft actor Avasarala Srinivas playing the lead in the Telugu Remake, it is even more surprising to see the Ice Cream girl Tejaswini Madivada as one of the leading females in this adult comedy flick.
Hunter Remake
The remake comedy flick revolves around one male youngster. This is a Telugu remake of a Bollywood movie titled Hunter. This will feature the director himself as the lead star and three female leads in the movie. So far apart from Tejaswini Madivada and Regina Cassandra was reportedly approached to play the female leads of the Bollywood remake. The comedy will debut the newcomer director Naveen into the world of Telugu Cinema. Rumors have it that Sai Korrupati will produce the Telugu Hunter Remake under the Vaarahi Chalana Chitram production banner. The shooting for this comedy flick starts towards end of this present year.
Soggadu Movie
The movie has three female leads. The Ice Cream girl Tejaswi may play one female lead that features Srinivas Avasarala in this adult comedy remake of Bollywood movie ‘Hunter’. This young actress who is popular for playing small roles for big movies seems to have bigger plans to stardom. Reportedly, the Telugu comedy remake is titled ‘Soggadu’ in which Tejaswi plays the role of a college girl for the protagonist in the movie. In the movie, she plays the girlfriend of the lead male star Srinivas Avasarala. She did not watch the original movie as the star feels she does not want to be found ‘copying a remake.’ The movie’s launch details will be revealed soon.